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澳洲袋鼠 发表于 2009-12-29 14:55:55



From 1 January 2010, applicants applying for a skills assessment for permanent residency from within Australia are required to undertake the Job Ready Program to meet the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) skills assessment requirements for a permanent residence visa.

Trades Recognition Australia has been working to develop a program that provides people applying for skills assessments from within Australia with a real opportunity to increase their chance of gaining employment in their chosen trade if they are successful in their bid to migrate to Australia as a skilled worker.

Recognising the difficulty that many applicants to TRA were having in gaining the 900 hours relevant work experience during the period of their student visa that was required under previous requirements, TRA has developed a new skills assessment program. The new TRA Job Ready Program allows participants more time to gain valuable experience in an Australian workplace. Our discussions with employers told us that this experience is highly valued. The Job Ready Program is designed to give you time to develop and demonstrate your trade skills and to gain valuable workplace experience thereby giving you a better chance of finding work in your trade if you are successful in application for permanent migration.

The Job Ready Program is a four step process 职业就绪计划共分四个部分.

Step 1 - Apply for a Provisional Skills Assessment

A successful outcome will enable you to apply to DIAC for a 485 skilled graduate temporary visa.

You will notice the requirements of the provisional skills assessment are similar to the previous TRA skills assessment process.


To apply for a Provisional Skills Assessment you need to register online through the Job Ready Online Application. When you register you will need to choose a password. When you have successfully completed registration you will be provided with a username. Make sure you keep your password and username in a safe place as you will need these details to Sign In to the Job Ready Online Application as you complete each Step of the Job Ready Program.


Step 2 - Complete the Job Ready Employment

On a 485 visa you will have 18 months to complete the required 12 months of full time employment that will enable you to gain more skills and experience in an Australian workplace. You will also gain valuable training in Australian workplace culture and language.


Complete 12 months full time paid employment in the trade in which you are qualified.

All employment contracts and employer details must be registered with TRA within 30 working days of commencement of employment.


During your employment you will be required to demonstrate your proficiency in the workplace across a broad range of trade related tasks relevant to your workplace.

When you have registered your employment you will be able to download a Workplace Log from this website under Important Documents. The Workplace Log is to be used by you and your employer to validate your skills. Your employer will indicate your proficiency against a list of tasks recorded in your Workplace Log.

TRA will conduct monitoring visits to your workplace during your Job Ready Employment.

Step 3 - Complete a Job Ready Workplace Assessment

You will have an opportunity to demonstrate your trade skills in the workplace to a TRA approved assessor.

After you have been working continuously in your trade for at least 6 months full-time you will be able to register for a Workplace Assessment. This will be conducted by a TRA approved assessor in your workplace. The assessment will be a practical test of your capacity to apply your trade skills in an Australian workplace

Step 4 - Apply for a Job Ready Final Assessment

You will have collected all the evidence required during Steps 1 to 3 to apply for a final assessment which can be used as the skills assessment required to apply for permanent migration.

To gain a successful skills assessment as an onshore applicant with a trade qualification to enable you to apply to DIAC for a residence visa, you must successfully complete all four steps of the Job Ready Program.


  1. 预评估 300澳元
    Step 1 Provisional Skills Assessment AUD $300.00
  2. 就业准备工作经验 750澳元
    Step 2 Job Ready Employment AUD $750.00
    额外培训  1200澳元
    Additional Training AUS $1,200.00* (估计价格,由授权的语言和文化培训机构决定)
  3. 就业准备工作现场考核 2000澳元
    Step 3 Job Ready Workplace Assessment AUD $2,000.00
  4. 就业准备最终考核评估 300澳元
    Step 4 Job Ready Final Assessment AUD $300.00 



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xufenghu 回复于 2012-12-24 10:50:09

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jjedu 回复于 2009-12-29 15:09:09


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