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日期:2010/4/21  |  来源:澳洲移民局  |  人气:2207


Changes to Business Skills visas effective 19 April 2010

On 19 April 2010, the following changes to the Business Skills Migration Program come into effect:
  • increased minimum net business and personal assets required (visa subclasses 160, 161, 163, 164)
  • increased business ownership share required (visa subclasses 132, 160, 163, 890, 892, 845, 846)
  • removal of the senior manager option of the subclass 163 visa

Changes to the Business Skills Migration Program

On 19 April 2010, the following changes to minimum eligibility requirements for the Business Skills Migration Program came into effect. The changes aim to increase the potential contribution of business migrants to Australia’s economy, create more jobs for Australians and improve visa integrity. State and Territory governments sponsoring the majority of applications were consulted, and their comments were carefully considered. These changes will be applied to new applications lodged on or after 19 April 2010.

Eligibility requirements for entry to Australia increased

Increased net assets

The minimum net business and personal assets required for the following sponsored provisional Business Skills visas have been increased from AUD250 000 to AUD500 000 in response to increases in the cost of living and business establishment costs:

State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) (Subclass 163) visa
State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (Provisional) (Subclass 164) visa

The minimum net business and personal assets required for the following provisional Business Skills visas have been increased from AUD500 000 to AUD800 000 in response to increases in the cost of living and business establishment costs:

Business Owner (Provisional) (Subclass 160) visa
Senior Executive (Provisional) (Subclass 161) visa

Increased business ownership

Business migrants will now be required to own a substantial or controlling interest in a business to meet visa requirements. The minimum business ownership percentage required has been increased from 10 per cent to:

51 per cent where the business turnover is less than AUD400 000
30 per cent where the business turnover is AUD400 000 or more or
10 per cent where the business is a publicly listed company.

This amendment applies to all business owner visas (subclasses 132, 160, 163, 890, 892, 845, 846) and applies to the definition of ‘main business’ at Migration Regulation 1.11.

A transitional provision will be available for onshore visa applicants who have purchased a business in Australia prior to the change and are applying for a permanent onshore business owner visa (subclasses 890, 892, 845, 846).

Senior manager option removed from the Subclass 163 visa

Applicants who are employed as senior managers of a business can no longer apply for a State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) (Subclass 163) visa. The visa option has been removed in response to a high incidence of fraud and integrity issues identified with this cohort. Only business owners are now eligible for this visa.

Other visa options may be available to skilled senior managers of overseas businesses. Senior executives of a major business may be eligible for a provisional senior executive visa (subclasses 161 and 164). Skilled managers who gain sponsorship from an Australian employer may be eligible for an employer sponsored visa depending on factors such as age, qualifications, experience and English language skill.

More information on Business Skills visas is available from the department’s website.
See: http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/business/


  1. 163/164类别投资移民,资产要求额由25万澳币上涨至50万澳币
  2. 160/161类别投资移民,资产要求额由50万澳币上涨至80万澳币
  3. 对申请人的股份比例要求提高。公司年营业额在30—40万澳币的,要求拥有股份达到51%;营业额超过40万澳币的,股份必须达到 30%;如公司是上市公司,申请人股份必须达到10%。

    影响签证类别包括132, 160, 163, 890, 892, 845, 846  但是影响程度不一样。
  4. 163B企业高管类别取消。 



       另外,对于在澳洲准备做845创业的留学生朋友来说,这也是沉重打击,因为新企业需要留学生控股51%, 营业额不少于40万澳元,如果公司营业额超过40万澳币的,股份必须达到 30%;要求真的不低。


1. 在生意里做满2年股东

2. 申请前12个月拥有至少资产25万澳元

3. 通过105分的打分测试

4. 申请成功后必须继续在澳洲拥有生意,并且3年内确保通知移民局最新联系地址。

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